Our History

In 2017, the Transgender Advisory Committee (TAC) of CrescentCare Health and Wellness received the Greater New Orleans Foundation Transgender Leadership Grant to help promote and build trans leadership within New Orleans.

The TAC held three community forums to harness the brilliance of local trans communities, address healthcare access issues, and hold agencies accountable for the quality of their services.

We synthesized the responses from these forums into five demands for healthcare organizations, which informs the trainings we offer to healthcare organizations and providers: our Five Point Plan.

As our work grew beyond CrescentCare’s Trans Advisory Committee and into a community-based collective, our founding members chose the name TIDAL: Trans Inclusive Development, Advocacy, and Learning.

Our Current Work

Currently, our collective is focused on:

Our Values & Practices

As a collective, we commit to grounding our work and our working relationships in our shared values. To learn more about how we approach each of our values, you can read our community agreements here.


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