Weekly Open Meeting

TIDAL Community Meeting: Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 CT

  • Open meetings where we discuss our projects, invite community feedback, and center trans joy and resilience

  • For trans and gender expansive community members or cisgender accomplices

  • Fill out an interest form to learn more and get the Zoom link

  • Note: We skip the first Wednesday of every month so folks can support Hot Wednesdays with House of Tulip!

Past Events

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TGNC Party

TIDAL wanted to celebrate our community members and present commitments made by health agencies present at the TGNC workshop. We also created paid opportunities for TGNC people to showcase their skills and talents. Due to COVID-19, this event will be rescheduled for a later date.

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Transgender Community Feedback Forum

TIDAL members and some grant funded paid community members came together to organize an opportunity for agencies to participate in a day long workshop to engage with the 5 Point Plan. This workshop was structured so agencies could choose 2 of the 5 points to discuss how they were going to commit to creating change in their agency. Different levels of staff were intentionally invited in order to best create an environment for all people to hear opportunities on how they can be a part of creating quality and compassionate healthcare at their organizations.

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Community Forums

These spaces were organized as a space for TGNC community members to discuss their wants and needs from the healthcare system in their city in both the long term and short term. These spaces were built by the TGNC community with the idea in mind that their voices need to be heard to create change and reflect the needs of the community. These forums created the space for the “5 Point Plan” to be developed with the intention that it can be used as a guideline for agencies to adjust and best serve the community.