Our Services

Our training services fall into two categories:

  • Five Point Plan Workshops (FPP), for healthcare organizations and providers based on the Five Point Plan, our community-derived action plan in gender affirming care. FPP workshops are offered via sliding scale donations and designed to address a variety of issues, including clinical practice, staffing, and organizational policies.

  • Consultation, Technical Support, and Custom Training, for organizations and providers from our team of experts with both professional training and lived experiences related to health equity and gender affirming care. These services are fully customizable and offered via sliding scale fees.

Five Point Plan Workshop Details

Eligibility: FPP Workshops are strategic, action-oriented workshops, not introductory didactic trainings. In order to get the most out of our Five Point Plan workshops, participants should already be familiar with the basics of health and gender equity, outlined in our Five Gender Facts. If you are new to gender affirming healthcare or the concepts in our Five Gender Facts, an introductory training on gender equity in healthcare will likely be your best starting point. We would love to discuss offering an introductory training for your organization, as part of our consultation and custom training offerings.

Cost: FPP workshops are offered at no financial cost to healthcare providers and organizations, thanks to grant funding from the Greater New Orleans Foundation. Instead, based on trans community feedback, we ask that participants take meaningful action related to the workshop content moving forward.

How to participate: FPP workshops are typically offered throughout the year, and when registration is open, participants can complete an interest form to request to register for the event. Interested folks are welcome to contact us to be informed about future FPP workshops or to request a FPP workshop for their organization.

Consultation, Technical Support, and Custom Training Details

Beyond our Five Point Plan Workshops, we offer a tailored approach to healthcare consultation, technical support, and training, based on the unique strengths and growth edges of your organization or clinical practice.

Our team includes a variety of healthcare professionals, educators, students, organizers, and community members whose expertise includes both professional experiences as well as lived trans experiences.

We consider contextual factors regarding our training fees and are open to discussions about sliding scale offerings. As a trans-led community collective, investing in TIDAL is an investment in local trans communities.

Is your organization ready to level up?

We love developing and envisioning training opportunities! Reach out to us to discuss what trans liberation can look like in your healthcare or education setting.

Previous collaborators include: CrescentCare Health and Wellness, CORE Emergency Response, Xavier University School of Pharmacy, Ochsner Health, Louisiana Department of Health, Odyssey House, Delgado School of Nursing, Charity School of Nursing, Planned Parenthood, Tulane University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Tulane University School of Allied Public Health, NAMI New Orleans, Luke’s House, Southeast AIDS Education and Training Center, New Orleans VA Medical Center, Metropolitan Human Services District, and New Orleans Family Justice Center.